Alexandra runs regular art workshops in Clapham for children aged seven to twelve .
'My classes offer a playful approach to art. My aim is to develop children's artistic skills and stimulate their creativity. The children draw inspiration from the work of different artists and cultures. They are encouraged to enjoy themselves while exploring different techniques.'
Please see below some examples of the work produced by the children:

Inspired by the work of Peter Clark - Collage

Inspired by Elizabethan Crewel embroidery - collage and coloured pencils

Inspired by the work of Angie Lewin - Chinese Watercolour and ink on tracing paper

Inspired by Byzantine mosaics - Acrylic dot technique

Inspired by Russian Icons - Egg tempera

Inspired by the work of Gabriele Münter - Reverse acrylic paint on acetate

Inspired by the work of David Barnes - Chalk patels

Inspired by the Young Hare picture by Albrecht Dürer - Watercolour and coloured pencil

Inspired by work of John Piper - Watercolour wash and ink

Inspired by stained glass - Tissue paper collage

Inspired by Medieval Manuscripts - Watercolour and ink

Inspired by Arboriginal bark painting - Wax crayon and Chinese watercoulr on cardboard

Inspired by Albrecht Dürer's insects - Watercolour and coloured pencil

Inspired by work of Yuri Gorbachev - Chinese watercolour

Inspired by the work of Paul Klee- Ink and coloured pencils

Inspired by Egyptian papyrus painting - Watercolour and ink

Inspired by the work of Pablo Picasso - Printing and pastels

Inspired by work of Samuel Palmer - Watercolour and ink

Inspired by Prehistoric wall paintings - Egg tempera

3D landscape - Card and watercolour and wax pencils

Inspired by work of Edward Bawden - Felt tips

Inspired by Egyptian sarcophagi painting - Wax crayons

Collage and wax crayon

Inspired by work by Marc Catesby

Inspired by Chinese Lacquer painting - Reverse painting and scratching on acetate

Inspired by Ragamala miniature painting - Chinese watercolour and ink

Inspired by Chinese scroll painting - Ink and Chinese watercolour

Inspired by work by Henri Matisse - Chinese watercolour and ink

Inspired by work by Angela Harding- Sponge printing

Inspired by work by Amanda White - Watercolour and acrylic

Inspired by Albrecht Dürer's wildboar - Pastel
Inspired by the Italian Pietre Dure technique - Collage

Inpsired by the Egyptian Fayoum portraits - Pastels

Inspired by Persian tiles - Reverse painting, acrylic